Referred Archival Journal Publications

  1. Wei-Chih Wang*, Chileung Tsui, Aditya Sharma, Terahertz Nearfield Wave Manipulation with a Reconfigurable Metamaterial Array: theory and experiment,Nature Communications, in review, 2023 {JIF: 16.6}

  2. Chileung Tsui, Wei-Chih Wang, Hallbach array magnetic latch system, in preparation

  3. Vinayak Ghorpade, Wei-Chih Wang, n versus voltage, in preparation

  4. Prabir Garu, Wei-Chih Wang*, THz metamaterial absorbers for precise refractive index sensing, Scientific Reports, 2023, in review,.{JIF: 4.6}

  5. Prabir Garu, Wei-Chih Wang*“direction and frequency tunable origami Sierpinski antenna: simulation and experiment,” in preparation

  6. Wei-Chih Wang*, Ming-Yao Li, Kuan-Chang Peng, Yi-Feng Hsu, Benjamin Estroff, Pao-Yun Yen, David Schipf and Wen-Jong Wu, Mirrorless MEMS imaging: a nonlinear vibrational approach utilizing aerosol-jetted PZT-actuated fiber MEMS scanner for microscale illumination, Nature Microsystemsz &Nanoengineering, accepted(2023) {JIF: 7.9}

  7. Vinayak Ghorpade, Wei-Chih Wang, Electro-hydrodynamic programming reshapes liquid crystal dynamics in free-form director fields,Scientific Reportsaccepted with revision, 2023.{JIF: 4.6}

  8. Karthickraj Muthuramalingam and Wei-Chih Wang, Non-destructive electrical property map-ping of semi-insulated compound semiconductor wafers using THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 170, 107932, 2024{JIF: 4.1}

  9. Karthickraj Muthuramalingam and Wei-Chih Wang, Design and Analysis of Minkowski Fractal Antenna for Wideband THz Frequency Tuning/Multiband Operation in a MIMO Antenna System,Appl. Phys., 133, 204902 , 2023{JIF: 3.2}

  10. Antoine Wegroski, Wei-Chih Wang (2022, Mar). Three cases of discontinuous refractive index in metamaterial study. Nature Scientific Reports, (2022) 12:3558 107-2221-E-007-056-MY3.{JIF: 4.6}

  11. Wei-Chih Wang, Prabir Garu (2022, Mar). Design of a Ultra-Wideband Omnidirectional and Polarization-Insensitive Tapered Flower Petal Antenna for Potential Ambient Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting. Nature Scientific Reports, (2022) 12:6096.107-2221-E-007-056-MY3.{JIF: 4.6}

  12. Sudarshan Kalel Wei-Chih Wang , "Realization of Broadband Negative Refractive Index in Terahertz Band by Multilayer Fishnet Metamaterial Approach," Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 132, 159-170, 2023, doi:10.2528/PIERC23022302.{JIF: 6.7}

  13. Sudarshan Kalel and Wei-Chih Wang, Optical Properties of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF-TrFE and PVDF-TrFE-CTFE) in Terahertz Band, Mater. Res. Express 10 045304, 2023. DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/acca69.{JIF:2.3}

  14. Prabir Garu, Wei-Chih Wang; A novel approach on design of a fractal inspired logarithmic spiral antenna-based absorber for polarization and incident angle insensitive broadband electromagnetic energy harvesting. Journal of Applied Physics 7 March 2023; 133 (9): 094901.{JIF: 3.2}

  15. Prabir Garu, W.C. Wang, “Design and Analysis of a PDLC-Based Reconfigurable Hilbert Fractal Antenna for Large and Fine THz Frequency Tuning ,” Micromachines 2022, 13(6), 964

  16. Kalel, S.; Wang, W.C. Integration of SMP with PVDF Unimorph for Bending Enhancement, Polymers 2021, 13(3), 415;

  17. Antoine Wegroski, Wei-Chih Wang, Chileung Tsui, Prabir Garu,” Negative refractive index modified fishnet enhancement by wire shift,” Mater. Res. Express, 9, 095801, 2022.

  18. Yen-Chieh Huang, Luo-Hao Peng, Hossein Shirvani, Wen-Chi Chen, Karthickraj Muthuramalingam, and Wei-Chih Wang, Andrzej Szczepkowicz” Single-electron Nano-chip Free-electron Laser,” APL Photonics 2022, 7(13), 096101. Selected as cover page

  19. Wei-Chih Wang, Yen-Tse Cheng, Benjamin Estroff,”Electrostatic Self-assembly of Composite Nanofiber Yarn,” Polymers 2021, 13(1), 12[MDPI]

  20. Antoine Wegroski, Wei-Chih Wang,” Negative refractive index fishnet enhancement by wire shift,” Applied Physics Letter, in review, 2019.[IEEE]

  21. H. T. Huang, P. Garu, C. H. Li, W. C. Chang, B. W. Chen, S. Y. Sung, C. M. Lee, J. Y. Chen,T. F. Hsieh, W. J. Sheu, H. Ouyang, W. C. Wang, C. R. Chang, C. L. Wang, M. S. Hsu, and Z. H. Wei, “Magnetoresistive biosensors for direct detection of magnetic nanoparticle conjugated biomarkers on a chip,” Spin, Vol. 1, pp. 1-4, 2019.[SPIN]

  22. Wei-Chih Wang, Chileung, Tsui, Kebin Gu “Design and Fabrication of a Push-Pull Electrostatic Actuated Cantilever Waveguide Scanner,” Micromachines. 10(7): 432, 2019.[Micromachines]

  23. Wei-Chih Wang, Zhentao, Lu, Chileung Tsui,” A design for autonomous self-building blocks,” Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, volume 5, Issue 2, pp 115–128, 2019.[SpringerProfessional]

  24. David Schipf, Wei-Chih Wang, “Measurement and modeling of Electrowetting Lens Oscillations using Digital Holographic Interferometry and Bessel and Legendre polynomial functions,” Optics Express, Vol. 27, Issue 12, pp. 17274-17282, 2019.[OSA]

  25. Davd Schifp, Wei-Chih Wang,” Optical encryption using a liquid phase mask,” OSA Continuum, 1(3), 1026-1040, 2018.[OSA]

  26. Joe N. Ho, Wei-Chih Wang, “An analysis of diamagnetic levitation away from a suspending magnet’s central axis,” AIP Advances 8, 085107, 2018.[AIP]

  27. Wei-Chih Wang, David Linders, David Nuckely,” Development of a disposable force-sensing glove for clinicians and demonstration of its force measurements on patients during rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery,” J. of Biomedical Optics, 22(12), 127002, 2017.[SPIE]

  28. Hongren Lin, Wei-Chih Wang, “Midinfrared radiation energy harvesting device,” J. Photon. Energy 7(3),038001, 2017.[SPIE]

  29. Fafeng Xia, Jiyu Tian, Weichih Wang, “Effect of plating parameters on the properties of pulse electrodeposited Ni–TiN thin films,” Ceramics International 42, 13268–13272, 2016. [ScienceDirect]

  30. A.I. Fedorchenko, Henry Cheng, Anastasia Koroleva and Wei-Chih Wang,” On the Potential Application of the Wrinkled SiGe/SiGe Nanofilms,” World Journal of Mechanics, Vol.6, pp.19-23, 2016[IEEE]

  31. Xue-feng Huang, Guang-hua Zheng, Sheng-ji Li, Jiang-rong Xu and Wei-Chih Wang, “Design and Characteristics of Dual-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber Doppler Differential Velocimeter,” Int. J. of Optomechatronic, Vol. 9,  Iss. 3, pp. 195-210, 2015.[IEEE]

  32. Wei-Chih Wang, “Polymeric Micro Sensors and Actuators,” Sensors 2014, 14, 15065-15066.[MDPI]

  33. Cheng-Sheng Huang, Wei-Chih Wang, "SU8 inverted-rib waveguide Bragg grating filter," Applied Optics Vol. 52, Iss. 22, pp. 5545-5551, 2013.[OSA]

  34. Wei-Chih Wang, Choashih Liu, "Liquid Viscosity Sensing Using Nonlinear Vibration of a Fiberoptic Sensor", Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.84, Issue 7, 2013. [AIP]

  35. Alexander I. Fedorchenko, Ivo Stachiv and Wei-Chih Wang,”Method of the viscosity measurement by means of the vibrating micro-/nanomechanical resonators,” Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol.32, pp. 84-89, 2013 [ScienceDirect]
  36. C. L. Chang,  W. C. Wang, F. J. Hsieh, H.R Lin, E. Pun, C. Chan, "Tunable Terahertz Fishnet Metamaterial,” Applied Physics Letter, (Vol.102, Issue 15), 2013 [AIP]
  37. W. S. Hua, N. Erwin, J. Hooks, W. J. Wu, W. C. Wang ,"A Polymeric Fiberoptic Metal Sensor Capable Of Profile Detection,”Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Volume 24 Issue 3, page 318-325, 2013. [SAGE]
  38. F. J. Hsieh, W. C. Wang,"Full Extraction Methods to Retrieve Effective Refractive Index and Parameters of a Bianisotropic Metamaterial Based on Material Dispersion Models,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.112, Issue 6, p. 064907, 2012[AIP]
  39. C. Y. Huang, W. C. Wang, “Birefringent prism based Fourier transform spectrometer,”Optics Letters, Vol. 37, Issue 9, pp. 1559-1561 (2012) [OSA]
  40. W. C. Wang, C. L. Tsui, “1-D electro-optic beam steering device’,  Sensors and Actuators A Phys.,Vol. 188, pp. 277-284, 2012. [ScienceDirect]
  41. W. S. Hua, W. C. Wang, W. J. Wu, C. L. Tsui, W. Cui, W. P. Shih,” Development of 2D Microdisplay Using an Integrated Microresonating Waveguide Scanning System,’ Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Volume 22 Issue 14 September 2011 pp. 1613 – 1622. [SAGE]
  42. W. C. Wang, C. L. Tsui, “Two-dimensional mechanically resonating fiber optic scanning display system,” Optical Engineering, 49(9), 097401-097401-8, 2010. [SPIE]
  43. S. Khanna, J. Ho, J. Irwen, W. C. Wang, “Diamagnetically levitating three phase motor with optical feedback control,” International Journal of Optomechatronics,4(4), 424-448, 2010. [Optomechatronics]
  44. C. Y. Huang, W. C. Wang, “Compact liquid crystal based Fourier transform spectrometer system,” International Journal of Optomechatronics, 4(2), 157-176, 2010. [Optomechatronics]
  45. C. S. Huang, W. C. Wang, “SU8 rib waveguide Bragg grating filter using composite stamp and solvent-assisted microcontact molding technique,” Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 2009.[SPIE]
  46. W. C. Wang, J. Luo, A. Jen, “Electro-optic polymer prism beam deflector,” Optical Engineering, 48(11), 114601, 2009. [SPIE]
  47. W. C. Wang, S. Lee, A. Jen, P. Reinahll, D. Nuckley, “Development of an electro-optic scanner for potential endoscope application,” Journal of Medical Devices, 3(2), 027522, 2009. [ASME]
  48. W.C. Wang, “Flexible polymer based foot size distributive pressure/shear sensor,” Journal of Medical Devices, 3(2), 027541, 2009.
  49. D. Linders, W. C. Wang, D. Nuckley, “Designing an optical bendless sensor for clinical force measurement,” Journal of Medical Devices, 3(2), 027522, 2009.
  50. C. S. Huang, Y. B. Pun, W. C. Wang, “Fabrication of a flexible rib waveguide with Bragg grating filter,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, 26(6), 1256-1262, 2009. [OSA]
  51. J. Ho, W. C. Wang, “Electric generator using a triangular shape diamagnetic levitating rotor system,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(2), 024702-024702-8, 2009. [AIP]
  52. Y. M. Kuo, H. J. Lin, C. N. Wang, W. C. Wang, C. L. Chang, “Study the interaction of two acoustical fields and one FRP structure with FEM-BEM coupling analysis,” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 28(17), 2083-2096, 2009. [SAGE]
  53. A. I. Fedorchenko, I. Stachiv, A. B. Wang, W. C. Wang, “Fundamental frequencies of mechanical systems with N-piecewise constant properties,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 317(3-5), 490-495, 2008. [ELSEVIER]
  54. A. I. Fedorchenko, I. Stachiv, J. Ho, A. Wang, W. C. Wang, “On the forced vibration of the fiber partially immersed in fluid,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 147(2), 498-503, 2008. [ELSEVIER]
  55. C. S. Huang, W. C. Wang, “Large core single mode rib SU8 waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding,” Applied Optics, 47(25), 4540-4547, 2008. [OSA]
  56. C. S. Huang, W. C. Wang, “Fabrication of a flexible polymeric rib waveguide with self-align couplers system,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 26(1), L13-L18, 2008. [JVSTB]
  57. W. C. Wang, P. Reinhall, “Scanning polymeric waveguide design of a 2D display system,” IEEE Journal of Display Technology, 4(1) 28-38, 2008. [IEEE]
  58. W. C. Wang, W. R. Ledoux, C. Y Hunag, C. S. Huang, G. K. Klute, P. Reinhall, “Developments of a microfabricated optical bend loss sensor for distributive pressure measurement,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55(2), 614-625, 2008. [IEEE]
  59. R. Panergo, C. S. Huang, C. S. Liu, P. Reinhall, W. C. Wang, “Resonant polymeric optical waveguide cantilever integrated for image acquisition,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 25(3), 850-860, 2007.  [IEEE]
  60. C. Y. Huang, W. C. Wang, W. J. Wu, W. Ledoux, “Composite optic bend loss sensor for pressure and shear measurement,” Journal of IEEE Sensors, 7(11), 1554-1565, 2007. [IEEE]
  61. Y. C. Lin, W. C. Chuang, C. J. Wu, W. C. Wang, “A compact-size D lens collimator for fiber coupling,” Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9(8), 2371-2375, 2007. [JOAM]
  62. W. C. Wang, C. T. Ho, Y. R. Lian, W. C. Chuang, “Transducing mechanical force by use of a diffraction grating sensor,” Applied Optics, 45(9), 1894-1897, 2006. [OSA]
  63. W. C. Chuang, C. T. Ho, Y. R. Lian, C. K. Chao, R. F. Shyu, W. C. Wang, “Transducing mechanical forces >using a polymer optical grating sensor,” Material Science Forum, 505-507, 91-96, 2006. [Scientific]
  64. W. C. Chuang, C. T. Ho, W. C. Wang, “Fabrication of a high-resolution periodical structure using a replication process,” Optics Express, 13(18), 6685-6692, 2005. [OSA]
  65. W. C. Wang, W. Ledoux, B. Sangeorzan, P. Reinhall, “A shear and plantar pressure sensor based on fiber-optic bend loss,” Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 42(3), 315-326, 2005. [JRRD]
  66. W. C. Wang, J. Ho, P. Reinhall, “Double-sided micromachining process for silicon cantilever using a parallel capacitively coupled plasma,” Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 4(1), 013010-1-013010-1-6, 2005. [SPIE]
  67. W. C. Wang, M. Fauver, J. N. Ho, E. J. Seibel, P. Reinhall, “Micromachined optical waveguide cantilever as a resonant optical scanner,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 102(1-2), 165-175, 2002. [ElSEVIER]
  68. W. C. Wang, P. Reinhall, S. Yee, “Fluid viscosity measurement using forward light scattering [submerged optical fiber probe],” Measurement Science and Technology, 10 (4), 316-22, 1999. [IOP Science]
  69. W. C. Wang, S. Yee, P. Reinhall, “Optical viscosity sensor using forward light scattering,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 25(1-3), 753-755, 1995. [ElSEVIER]
  70. W. C. Wang, M. Afromowitz, B. Hannaford, “Technique for mechanical measurement using optical scattering from a micro-pipette,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 40(3), 298-304, 1994. [IEEE]

Invited Newsroom Article

  1. Wei-Chih Wang, “MEMS based cantilever waveguide scanning system for a head mount display system,” SPIE Newsroom, Micro/Nano Lithography & Fabrication, 2006[SPIE Newsroom]


  1. Tutsch, R., Cho, Y.-J., Wang, W.-C., Cho,. Progress in Optomechatronics Technologies (ISBN: 978-3-319-05711-8). Springer. Dec, 2013.

Non-Journal Fully Refereed Publications

  1. Wei-Chih Wang, Yu Chang, Po Chen Lin, Aditya Sharma, Chileung Tsui, "Development of a Soft-Robotic Cather assisted Fiber Scanning Microscopic Imaging System," SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 17-20 March 2024Vancouver, Canada

  2. Wei-Chih Wang, Yu-ren Chen, Chen-Wei Wu, "PVDF thin film bimorph actuator study for potential MEMS application," SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 17-20 March 2024Vancouver, Canada

  3. Wei-Chih Wang, Vinayak Ghorapade, Po-Chen Lin, Wu Yulin, "Nonlinear Vibration-Enhanced Imaging in a Hybrid Fiber-Optic MEMS Scanning System," SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 17-20 March 2024Vancouver, Canada

  4. Wei-Chih Wang, Pratheeksha Srinivasu, Aditya Sharma, Vinayak Ghorapade, "Dynamic and high-precision displacement measurement using intensity modulation in polymer optical fibers," SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 17-20 March 2024Vancouver, Canada

  5. Wei-Chih Wang, Vinayak Ghorapade, "Design and fabricating of a Novel miniaturized 2D electro-optic scanner based on liquid crystal for potential micro display and head mounted display applications," SPIE Photonics West, 25- 30 Jan. 2025, San Francisco, CA., USA

  6. Wei-Chih Wang, Yu Chang, Po-Chen Lin, Aditya Sharma, Chileung Tsui, "Nonlinear Vibration-Enhanced Fiber-Optic MEMS Scanner and Shape Memory Polymer Catheter for potential Microscopy application," SPIE Photonics West, 25- 30 Jan. 2025, San Francisco, CA., USA

  7. Wei-Chih Wang, karthickraj Muthuramalingam, "Frequency Tunable Minkowski Fractal Antenna for Resonant Tunneling Diode Based Terahertz Transceivers.,"SPIE Photonics West, 25- 30 Jan. 2025, San Francisco, CA., USA.

  8. Wei-Chih Wang, Aditya Sharma, Chileung Tsui, "Demonstration of a Liquid Crystal-Enhanced Fishnet Gradient Metamaterial for Dynamic Terahertz Wave Manipulation,"SPIE Photonic West, Jan. 25-30, 2025, San Francisco, CA., USA.

  9. Wei-Chih Wang, Prabir Garu, "Incident angle insensitive broadband absorber based on gradient split ring resonators for infrared radiation absorption (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE PC12485, Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors, and Wearable Systems 2023, PC124850D (18 April 2023); [https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2664904]

  10. Wei-Chih Wang, Vinayak Ghorapade, Sudarshan Kalel, Benjamin Estroff, Chiali Chen, Yu Yang Hsu, "Developing a novel electro-optic scanner for potential micro display and head-mounted display application," Proc. SPIE12485, Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors, and Wearable Systems 2023,124850E (18 April 2023); doi:10.1117/12.2664900.

  11. Sudarshan Kalel, Wei-Chih Wang, "Effect of heat generation in PVDF based electro-active polymer actuators," Proc. SPIE 12485, Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors, and Wearable Systems 2023, 124850D (18 April 2023); doi:10.1117/12.2664899.

  12. Prabir Garu, Wei-Chih Wang, "A logarithmic spiral antenna for polarization and incident angle insensitive broadband electromagnetic wave absorption," Proc. SPIE 12000, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XV, 1200003 (7 March 2022);[ https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2613818

  13. Emily Chung, Andy Wei-Chih Wang (2022, Mar). Bilayer tubular shape actuator using CNT-based shape memory polymer. SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6 - 10 March 2022, Long Beach, CA., USA, Long Beach, CA., USA. MOST 107-2221-E-007-026-MY3.

  14. Karthickraj Muthuramalingam and Wei-Chih Wang (2022, Mar). Non-destructive Evaluation of the Medical Device Packages Using the Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy. SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6 - 10 March 2022, Long Beach, CA., USA, Long Beach, CA. , USA. MOST 109-2221-E-007-110.

  15. Pabir Garu, Wei-Chih Wang (2022, Mar). Novel tapered flower petal antenna for ambient ultra-wideband electromagnetic energy harvesting applications. SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6 - 10 March 2022, Long Beach, CA., USA, Long Beach, CA., USA. MOST 107-2221-E-007-054-MY3.
  16. Wei-Chih Wang1, Kuang-Chen Peng, Yi-Feng Hsu, Sudarshan Kalel and Wenjong Wu (2022, Mar). Aerosol jetted PZT actuated fiber MEMS scanner for potential microscopic imaging. SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6 - 10 March 2022, Long Beach, CA., USA, Long Beach, CA., USA. MOST 104-2218-E-007-026-MY3.

  17. Prabir Garu, Wei-Chih Wang (2022, Jan). Gradient log-spiral antenna for ultra-wideband electromagnetic wave absorption. SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, 25-27, Jan., 2022, San Francisco, CA., USA. MOST 107-2221-E-007-026-MY3.

  18. Wei-Chih Wang, Ting-Chun Kuo, Chia-Tso Mo, Chi-Leung Tsui (2022, Jan). Tunable fishnet metamaterial array for optimal phase shift effect. SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, 25-27, Jan., 2022, San Francisco, CA., USA , San Francisco, CA., USA . MOST 107-2221-E-007-026-MY3.

  19. Benjamin Estroff, Vinayak Ghorpade and Wei-Chih (2021, Nov). Characterization of a Novel Fabry-Perot Fourier Transform Spectrometer. International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology, Besançon, France, Besançon, France. MOST 104-2218-E-007-026-MY3.

  20. Karthickraj Muthuramalingam and Wei-Chih Wang (2021, Nov). Electron generated NIR radiation in D shape Fiber. International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology, Besançon, France, Besançon, France. MOST 109-2221-E-007-110.

  21. Karthickraj Muthuramalingam and Wei-Chih Wang (2021, Nov). RIB Waveguide for Out-coupling the Coherent Radiation of the Free-electron Laser. International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology, Besançon, France, Besançon, France. MOST 109-2221-E-007-110.

  22. Prabir Garu and Wei-Chih Wang (2021, Nov). Gradient Log-spiral antenna for Ultra-wideband Electromagnetic Wave Absorption: A Novel Approach. International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology, Besançon, France, Besançon, France. MOST 109-2221-E-007-110.

  23. Wei-Chih Wang, Ting-Chun Kuo, Chia-Tso Mo, Chi-Leung Tsui (2021, Nov). Investigation of tunable fishnet metamaterials for optimal phase shift effect. International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology, Besançon, France, Besançon, France. MOST 107-2221-E-007-054-MY3.

  24. Wei-Chih Wang1, Kuang-Chen Peng, Yi-Feng Hsu, Sudarshan Kalel and Wenjong Wu (2021, Nov). A novel PZT MEMS fiber scanning microscope. International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology, Besançon, France, Besançon, France. MOST 104-2218-E-007-026-MY3.

  25. Ming-Yao Lee, Wei-Chih Wang, “Aerosol jet printed PZT actuated MEMS resonating cantilever scanner,” SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, 1-6, Feb., 2020, San Francisco, CA., USA.

  26. Han-Hsiang Chen, Yen-Tse Cheng, Chi-Leung Tsui, Wei-Chih Wang, “Simulation study and experimental confirmation of a tunable THz negative-refractive index metamaterial,” SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, 1-6, Feb., 2020, San Francisco, CA., USA

  27. Chun-Yen Hsieh, Wei-Chih Wang, “Evanescent wave sensor using cellulose nanocrystals composite fiber for humidity measurement,” SPIE Photonics West, BIOS, 1-6, Feb., 2020, San Francisco, CA., USA

  28. Wei-Chih Wang, Yen-Tse Cheng” Development of a simple robust method for fabricating nanofiber yarn,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 3-7, 2019 in Denver Colorado

  29. Wei-Chih Wang, Yen-Tse Cheng” Cellulose nanoporous foam filled multi-layered split ring THz Sensor,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 3-7, 2019 in Denver Colorado

  30. Wei-Chih Wang, Yen-Tse Cheng “Cellulose nanoporous foam for improving THz gas sensing,” Invited talk, SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 3-7, 2019 in Denver Colorado

  31. Wei-Chih Wang, Abhishek Gupta, ” Thermal electrical analysis of serpentine shaped sensing element geometries to enhance the responsivity of thermoresistive sensor,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 3-7, 2019 in Denver Colorado

  32. Yen-Tse Cheng, Yu-sin Chiang, Bo-Zen Hong, Wei-Chih Wang, “THz Gas Detection Using Cellulose Nanoporous Foam Enhanced Meta Structure,” 2018 IRMMW-THz, Nagoya, Japan, Sept. 9-14, 2018

  33. Antoine Wegrowski, Wei-Chih Wang, “Rotation Effect on Two layer Fishnet Metamaterial,” 2018 IRMMW-THz, Nagoya, Japan, Sept. 9-14, 2018

  34. Wei-Chih Wang, “Design of a 2-D Mechanical Resonating Optical Scanner using PZT based push-pull actuator,” 2018 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1-2, 2018

  35. Wei-Chih Wang, Ling-Chih Chen, ” Investigation of CNC/PVA Nanofiber Using Electrospinning,” 2018 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1-2, 2018

  36. Cheng-Lin Chang, Wei-Chih Wang,” Tunable Terahertz filter using PDLC Fishnet Metamaterial,” Photonic West 2018 OPTO, San Francisco, CA., Jan. 27-Feb 1, 2018

  37. Wei-Chih Wang, Peng-Jung-Chen,” Aersol printed 2D PZT scanning imaging device,” Photonic West 2018 OPTO, San Francisco, CA., Jan. 27-Feb 1, 2018

  38. David Schipf, Wei-Chih Wang,” Liquid Surface oscillations for a time-dependent, random phase security system,” Photonic West 2018 OPTO, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 27-Feb 1, 2018

  39. Peng-jung Chen, Ting-Ki Lin, Wen-Jong Wu, Wei-Chih Wang,” Development of an Aerosol MEMS based PZT Actuator,” ISOT 2017 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Invited talk, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 5-9, 2017

  40. Wei-Chih Wang,” Development of a force sensing glove for clinical assessment and patient care,” ,” ISOT 2017 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Invited Speaker, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 5-9, 2017

  41. Wei-Chih Wang, Chi-Leung Tsui, Aishwary Srivastavad, Chia-Wei Chao, Ming-Yao Li” FPGA based 2-D Scan Controller for Potential MEMS based Image Display and Image Acquisition,” ISOT 2017 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 5-9, 2017

  42. Wei-Chih Wang, Ling-Chih Chen, Yen-Tse Cheng, “Diameter varying electro-spun CNC composite Nanofiber Study,” TAPPI Nano 2017, June 5-8, 2017, Montreal, Canada

  43. Wei-Chih Wang, Chu-Wei Wu, Ling-Chih Chen, ” NIR intensity sensor for water pressure monitoring,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 25-29, 2017 in Portland, Oregon

  44. Yen-Tse Cheng, Ling-Chih Chen, Wei-Chih Wang,” Development of a fiber shape polymeric humidity sensor,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 25-29, 2017 in Portland, Oregon

  45. Peng-Jyun Chen, Wei-Chih Wang,” Development of an aerosol PZT actuator for a scanner system,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 25-29, 2017 in Portland, Oregon

  46. Yu-Hsin Chiang, Lintse Chen, Wei-Chih Wang,” Inkjet-printed multi-parameter measuring sensor,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 25-29, 2017 in Portland, Oregon

  47. David Schipf, Wei-Chih Wang, “Tunable Optical Encryption using a Fluid Phase Mask,” ISOT 2016 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Itabashi Tokyo, Japan, Nov 7-9, 2016

  48. Wei-Chih Wang, Chun-Wei Wu, “Optical Water Spray Pressure Sensor,” ISOT 2016 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Itabashi Tokyo, Japan, Nov 7-9, 2016

  49. Wei-Chih Wang, Kebin Gu,” An Electrostatic Actuated 2-D MEMS Scanner for Potential Image Display Application,” 2016 Frontiers in Optics: The 100th OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science XXXII, 17 - 21 Oct 2016 in Rochester, NY

  50. David Schipf, Wei-Chih Wang, “A Water Phase Mask for Optical Encryption Applications,” 2016 Frontiers in Optics: The 100th OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science XXXII, 17 - 21 Oct 2016 in Rochester, NY

  51. Chuyu Huang, Wei-Chih Wang,” The Single Birefringent prism based FTS system,” 20th Nano Engineering and Microsystem technology Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 25-26, 2016

  52. Wei-Chih Wang, “Electro-Optic Beam Steering for Potential Endoscopic Imaging,” 20th Nano Engineering and Microsystem technology Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 25-26, Invited Talk

  53. Edward Le, Wei-Chih Wang,” Patternable Cellulose Nanocrystals Composite Nanofibers,” SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 20-24, 2016 in Las Vegas Nevada , Invited talk

  54. Wei-Chih Wang, Keng-Ren Lin, Chi-Leung Tsui, David Schipf, Jonathan Leung, ” Underwater Camera with Depth measurement,” SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 20-24, 2016 in Las Vegas Nevada

  55. Jonathan Leung, Wei-Chih Wang, “Fiberoptic sensor for flow and viscosity measurement,” SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 20-24, 2016 in Las Vegas Nevada

  56. Kebin Gu, Wei-Chih Wang, “ 2D MEMS Scanner for Potential Image Display  Application”, IEEE NEMS 2016, Matsushima Bay and Sendai MEMS City, April 12-20, 2016

  57. Wei-Chih Wang, Tien-Hao Chang, Chileung Tsui, “Platform-based Shear Force Sensor,” ISOT2015 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Neuchantel, Switzerland, Oct. 14-16, 2015

  58. Kebin Gu, Wei-Chih Wang, Keng-Ren Lin, “2D MEMS electrostatic cantilever waveguide scanner for potential image display application”, ISOT2015 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Neuchantel, Switzerland, Oct. 14-16, 2015

  59. David R. Schipf, Chao-Ting Chen, Chun-Liang Kuo, Kang-Yu Chu, Wen-Jong Wu ,Wei-Chih Wang,“ Aerosol Deposited PZT Actuated 2-D Scanner System”  SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 8-12, 2015 in San Diego

  60. Edward Le and WeiChih Wang,” Improved Processing and Methods for Manufacturing Cellulose Nanocrystal Films,” ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  61. Edward Le, Wei-Chih Wang, Chao Shih Liu and Chih-Wei Wang,” Effect of Fiber Alignment on Optical Properties of Cellulose Nanocrystal Films,” ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  62. Alexander Fedorchenko, Henry Cheng, Anastasia Koroleva and Wei-Chih Wang,” Wrinkled SiGe nanofilms as a source of terahertz radiation,” ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  63. Chao Shih Liu, Edward A Le, Chih-Wei Wang, Wei-Chih Wang and Jin-Jia Hu,” Orientation map and birefrigence detection of CNC fibers using image processing techniques,” ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  64. Jonathan Leang, Wei-Chih Wang, " Development of a 3D Controller Using LEDs and Sensors, " ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  65. Hong-Ren Lin and Wei-Chih Wang, " Energy Dissipation of Electromagnetic Absorber in Terahertz Gap, " ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  66. David Schipf, Chi-Leung Tsui, Wen-Jong Wu, Chun-Liang Kuo and Wei-Chih Wang, " Design of a PZT Actuated Cantilever Waveguide Scanner Using an Aerosol Deposition Process, " ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  67. Alexander I. Fedorchenko, Anastasia Koroleva, Miroslav Pavelka, Zdenek Travnicek and Wei-Chih Wang, " Viscosity measurement using microcantilever sensor," ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  68. Xuefeng Huang, Shengji Li, Guanghua Zheng, Guanjun Zhao, Jiangrong Xu and Wei-chih Wang, "Design and characteristics of dual-core photonic crystal fiber Doppler differential velocimeter," ISOT2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Seattle, WA., USA, Nov. 5-7, 2014

  69. Keng-Ren Lin, Chi-Leung Tsui, David Schipf, Jonathan Leang, Feng-Ju Hsieh, Wei-Chih Wang, “Using a Time of Flight Method for Underwater 3-Dimensional Depth Measurements and Point Cloud Imaging,” OCEANS'14 MTS/IEEE Conference on April 7-10, 2014, in Taipei, Taiwan

  70. Xufeng Huang, Wei-Chih Wang,“ Laser Doppler velocimeter using Dual-core photonic crystal fiber” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 9-13, 2014 in San Diego

  71. Chileung Tsui, Wei-Chih Wang,“ The Electrical Design for Self-Assembly Blocks” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 9-13, 2014 in San Diego2

  72. Kebin Gu, Wei-Chih Wang,“ PZT actuated 2D optical scanning image acquisition” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 9-13, 2014 in San Diego

  73. Jonathane Leang, Wei-Chih Wang,“ Optical Controller for 3D Manipulation” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 9-13, 2014 in San Diego

  74. Wei-Chih Wang, Per Reinhall, "Liquid Viscosity Sensing Using Nonlinear Higher Order Harmonic Excitation in Fiberoptic Vibrating Sensor," ISOT2013 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Jeju Island, korea, Oct. 28-30, 2013
  75. Wei-Chih Wang, Wei-Shu Hua, "magnetostriction induced fiberopotic metal detector," ISOT2013 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Jeju Island, korea, Oct. 28-30, 2013
  76. Z. , Luo,W.C. Wang, C.L.Tsui,“ Autonomous self-building blocks”  SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 10-14, 2013 in San Diego
  77. Kebin Gu, Wei-Chih Wang," Fully Integrated MEMS based scanning endoscope with potential OCT application"  SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 10-14, 2013 in San Diego
  78. Wei-Chih Wang, Mindy Wu, Chaoshih Liu, Justin Chang, " Forward Light Scattering Method for structural characterization of electrospun fibers" SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 10-14, 2013 in San Diego

  79. W.C. Wang, C.S. Liu “liquid viscosity measurement using super harmonic resonance”  SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 10-14, 2013 in San Diego

  80. A. I. Fedorchenko, Z. Travnicek, C. L., Chang, W.C. Wang, “Viscosity measurement using fiber bend loss sensor,” ,” ISOT2012 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Paris, France, Oct. 29-31, 2012
  81. F.J. Hseih, W.C. Wang, “Effective Material Properties Extraction Method for An Asymmetric Metamaterial with Uneven Distances to Two Measurement Ports,” ,” ISOT2012 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Paris, France, Oct. 29-31, 2012  
  82. C.Y. Huang, W.C. Wang, “A Fourier Transform Spectrometer based on Birefringent Interferometer,” ISOT2012 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Paris, France, Oct. 29-31,2012
  83. W.C. Wang, K.  Gu, “MEMS based Mechanical Resonant Push-Pull Scanning Endoscope,” Invited talk, 221st ECS Meeting, May 6 - 11, 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA
  84. W. C. Wang, C. L. Tsui, “2D electro optic scanner,” 221st ECS Meeting, May 6 - 11, 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA
  85. W.S.  Hua, W. J.  Wu, W. C. Wang“2D fiberoptic metal profile detector,Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 27-30 March 2012 in Kuala Lumpur
  86. H. R. Lin, W. C.  Wang, “Silicon-based Monolithic 180 GHz Microstrip Ring Resonator Bandpass Filter,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 27-30 March 2012 in Kuala Lumpur
  87. Feng-Ju Hsieh, Wei-Chih Wang,” Determination of effective constitutive parameters, material boundaries and properties of SRR-rod and fishnet metamaterials by Drude and Lorentz Dispersion Models,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 27-30 March 2012 in Kuala Lumpur
  88. W. S.  Hua, J.  Rosenberg Hooks, W. J.  Wu, W. C. Wang, “2D Metal Profile Detector using a Polymeric Fiberoptic Sensor” SS12-SSN10-80, SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 11-15, 2012 in San Diego
  89. Chun-Te Chang ; Chao Shih Liu ; William Soetanto ; Wei-Chih Wang,“ A platform-based foot pressure/shear sensor” SS12-SSN10-79, SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 11-15, 2012 in San Diego
  90. W. C.  Wang, C. L.  Tsui,“Large Beam Deflection Using Cascaded Prism Array” SS12-SSN10-72, SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 11-15, 2012 in San Diego
  91. K.  Gu, W. C.  Wang,” Design and fabrication of mechanical resonance based optical scanner using push-pull actuator,” SS12-SSN10-71, SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 11-15, 2012 in San Diego
  92. C. L.  Chang, W. Cui, W. C. Wang,” Study of waveforms effect on PEDOT inkjet printing,” SS12-SSN10-67, SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 11-15, 2012 in San Diego
  93. C. Y. Huang, B.  Estroff, W.C. Wang, “Compact Fourier transform spectrometer without moving parts,” SS12-SSN10-66, SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 11-15, 2012 in San Diego
  94. Feng-Ju Hsieh, Wei-Chih Wang, “Determination of effective boundaries and material properties of SRR-rod and fishnet metamaterials,” SS12-SSN06-22, SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 11-15, 2012 in San Diego
  95. W. C.  Wang, J.  Thorn, H. Y. Lin, C. L.  Tsui,” Prototype Self-configuring building blocks,” ISOT2011 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Hong Kong, Nov.1-3, 2011
  96. F. J.  Hsieh, W. C.  Wang,” Full Extraction Method to Retrieve Effective Refractive Index and Parameters of a Bianisotropic Metamaterial,” ISOT2011 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Hong Kong, Nov.1-3, 2011
  97. C. L.  Chang, F. J. Hsieh, W. C.  Wang,” Tunable multi-layered fishnet metamaterial in terahertz region,” ISOT2011 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Hong Kong, Nov.1-3, 2011 (recognized for the Best Poster award in the conference.)
  98. W.  Cui, W. C.  Wang,” Design and Optimization of a Low Frequency Non-resonant Scanning Endoscope Operating at Large Damping,” ISOT2011 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Hong Kong, Nov.1-3, 2011
  99. Wei-Shu Hua, Josh Hooks, Wen-Jong Wu, Wei-Chih Wang ,” A Polymeric Fiberoptic Metal Sensor Capable Of Profile Detection,” ICAST 2011, October 10-12, 2011 at Imperial Hotel, Corfu, Greece
  100. W. C.  Wang, K. Gu,” A Mechanical resonant 2-D optical scanner using PZT based push-pull actuator,” Transducer 2011, Beijing, China, 2011
  101. Wei-Chih Wang, Menglu Wu, Chileung Tsue, “1-D electro-optic beam steering device,” Transducer 2011, Beijing, China, 2011
  102. W. Soetanto, Q. Nyung, W. Cui, W. C. Wang, “A footsize fiber optic plantar pressure/shear sensor,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 6-10, 2011.
  103. Wei-Chih Wang, Jeff Vu, Shrey Khanna, ” Improved optical feedback reference tracking for diamagnetically levitating motor system,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 6-10, 2011 in San Diego
  104. Wei-Shu Hua, Josh Hooks, Wen-Jong Wu, Wei-Chih Wang ,” Fiberoptic metal detector capable of profile detection,” SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 6-10, 2011 in San Diego
  105. W. C. Wang, T. Hsiu, “Development of a prototype self-configuring building block,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 6-10, 2011.
  106. W. C. Wang, A. Berendzen, W. S. Hua, “Fiberoptic microphone using a polymeric cavity,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 6-10, 2011.
  107. C. L. Tsui, W. C. Wang, “2-D mechanically resonating fiberoptic scanning display system,” International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Toronto, CA, October 24-27, 2010.
  108. Shrey Khanna, Joe Ho, Wei-Chih Wang,“Optical Encoder Feedback System for Levitating Three Phase Rotor System,” ISOT, Toronto, CA., October 24-27,2010
  109. W. C. Wang, W. S. Hua, W. J. Wu, “Development of a polymer based fiberoptic magnetostrictive metal detector system,” International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Toronto, CA, October 24-27, 2010.
  110. W. S. Hua, J. Hooks, W. J. Wu, W. C. Wang, “Development of a novel polymeric fiber-optic magnetostrictive metal detector,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, April 7-10, 2010, SSN10-82.  [SPIE]
  111. S. Khanna, J. Ho, J. Irwen, G. Rakka, W. C. Wang, “Optical encoder feedback system for levitating rotor system,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, April 7-10, 2010, SSN10-84.  [SPIE]
  112.  C. L. Chang, K. Fix, W. C. Wang, “Reliability of PEDOT-PSS strain gauge on foam structure,” SPIE Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems, San Diego, CA, April 7-10, 2010.  [SPIE]
  113.  J. H. Ho, A. Perez, W. C. Wang, “Development of a polymeric capacitive 3-D tactile sensor,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, April 7-10, 2010, SSN10-86.   [SPIE]
  114. W. S. Hua, W. J. Wu, W. C. Wang, “Polymeric fiber-optic magnetostrictive sensor,” The 20th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Hong Kong, October 15-18, 2009.
  115.  W. S. Hua, C. L. Tsui, W. Soetaw, W. J. Wu, W. C. Wang, “A 2-D Microdisplay using an integrated microresonanting waveguide scanning system,” The 20th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Hong Kong, October 15-18, 2009.
  116.  C. L. Chang, W. C. Wang, “Flexible PEDOT-PSS strain gauge,” The 20th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Hong Kong, October 15-18, 2009.
  117.  D. Linders, D. Nuckley, W. C. Wang, “Clinical glove sensor,” Design of Medical Device Conference, Minneapolis, MN, April 13-15, 2009.
  118. W. C. Wang, “Flexible polymer based foot size distributive pressure shear sensor,” Design of Medical Device Conference, Minneapolis, MN, April 13-15, 2009.
  119.  W. C. Wang, “Development of an eletro-optic endoscope,” Design of Medical Device Conference, Minneapolis, MN, April 13-15, 2009.
  120.  G. W. Chou, C. S. Liu, W. C. Wang, “Design of an offset multilayered optical fiber sensor,” Proceedings of the 16th National Conference on Science and Technology of National Defense, Taiwan, November, 2008.
  121.  C. L. Chang, J. Peyroux, A. Perez, C. L. Tsui, W. C. Wang, “Optical viscosity sensor,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 15-20, 2009  [SPIE]
  122.  D. Linders, D. Nuckley, W. C. Wang, “Designing an optical bendloss sensor for clinical force measurement,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 15-20, 2009, SS09-SSN10-93.  [SPIE]
  123.  J. Ho, W. C. Wang, “A diamagnetic levitating generator system,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 15-20, 2009, SS09-SSN10-92.  [SPIE]
  124.  C. S. Huang, W. C. Wang, “Design and fabrication of inverted rib waveguide Bragg grating,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 15-20, 2009, SS09-SSN06-23.  [SPIE]
  125.  H. J. Wang, B. Polishak, C. S. Huang, J. Luo, A. K. Y. Jen, W. C. Wang, “Electro-optic polymer prism beam deflector,” The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society, Newport Beach, CA, November 9-13, 2008, p. 579-580.    [IEEE]
  126.  C. L. Chang, A. Perez, W. C. Wang, “Fiberoptic bend loss viscometer,” The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society, Newport Beach, CA, November 9-13, 2008, p.111-112.
  127.  C. S. Huang, W. C. Wang, “Fabrication of Bragg grating on rib waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding,” The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society, Newport Beach, CA, November 9-13, 2008, p.638-639.
  128.  W. S. Hua, W. J. Wu, W. C. Wang, “Development of a novel polymeric waveguide and micro actuator for micro scanning system,” The 19th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-9, 2008.
  129.  D. J. Nuckley, D. R. Linders, W. C. Wang, “Development of a fiber-optic force sensing glove to provide clinical biomechanics measurements,” North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ann Arbor, MI, August 5-9, 2008 (Abstract was runner up for the “Clinical Biomechanics Award” which recognizes outstanding new biomechanics research targeting a contemporary clinical problem).  [NACOB]
  130.  A. I. Fedorchenko, I. Stachiv, W. C. Wang, A. B. Wang, “On the vibration of mechanical systems with piecewise linear properties,” India Institute of Science Centenary- International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore, India, July 2-4, 2008.
  131.  G. W. Chou, C. S. Liu, W. C. Wang, “Design of an offset multilayered optical fiber sensor,” Proceedings of the 16th National Conference on Science and Technology of National Defense, Taiwan, November, 2007, p. 39-48.
  132. W. C. Wang, W. S. Hua, W. H. Lin, W. J. Wu, “Development of a polymeric magnetostrictive fiber-optic sensor system,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 9-13, 2008, SPIE 6935-46.  [SPIE]
  133.  W. C. Wang, C. L. Tsui, “2-D fiberoptic scanning microdisplay system,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 9-13, 2008, SPIE 6931-22.  [SPIE]
  134.  A. I. Fedorchenko, I. Starchiv, J. Ho, W. C. Wang, A. Wang, “Optical viscosity sensor based on the partially immersed fiber vibrations,” The 15th SPIE NDE Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, San Diego, CA, March 9-13, 2008, SPIE 6935-67.  [SPIE]
  135.  C. L. Chang, A. Perez, W. C. Wang, “Optical viscosity sensor using bend loss of fiber,” The 15th SPIE NDE Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, San Diego, CA, March 9-13, 2008, SPIE 6935-49.  [SPIE]
  136.  G. W. Chou, C. S. Liu, P. Reinhall, W. C. Wang, “An offset multi-layered optic sensor for shear and pressure measurement,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 9-13, 2008, SPIE 6935-77.  [SPIE]
  137.  C. S. Liu, X. Liang, W. C. Wang, “Design of a multi-layered optical bend loss sensor for pressure and shear sensing,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 18-22, 2007, SPIE 6532, p. 65431k-1 to 10.  [SPIE]
  138.  W. C. Wang, P. Reinhall, “Optical and mechanical characterization of microfabricated optical bend loss sensor for distributive pressure measurement,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 18-22, 2007, SPIE 6532, p. 653217-1 to 6.  [SPIE]
  139.  W. C. Wang, P. Reinhall, “Directional strain measurement using fiber-optic polarimetric sensor,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 18-22, 2007, SPIE 6532, 65321P-1 to 11.   [SPIE]
  140.  J. Ho, W. C. Wang,” Exploration of possibility of levitating magnets using a non-vertical configuration of suspending magnets,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, August 2-5, 2006.
  141. J. Ho, W. C. Wang. “Static stability and plate spacing for diamagnetic levitating magnets,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, August 2-5, 2006.
  142. C. Y. Lin, Y. H. Ling, W. C. Chuang, C. T. Ho, R. F. Shyu, W. C. Wang, “A simple replication method to fabricate polymer waveguide,” SPIE Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems V, San Diego, CA, February 26 - March 2, 2006, SPIE 6177.  [SPIE]
  143. W. C. Wang, C. Y. Huang, P. Reinhall, “A wireless composite optical bend loss sensor for pressure and shear measurement,” SPIE Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems V, San Diego, CA, February 26 - March 2, 2006, SPIE 6177.  [SPIE]
  144. C. Takahshi, H. J. Wang, W. S. Hua, P. Reinhall, W. C. Wang, “Polymeric waveguide design of 2D display system ,” SPIE Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems V, San Diego, CA, February 26 - March 2, 2006, SPIE 6177.  [SPIE]
  145.  W. C. Wang, J. Ho, P. Reinhall, “Mathematical model for the dynamics of an optical fiber viscometer,” SPIE Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems V, San Diego, CA, February 26 - March 2, 2006, SPIE 6277.  [SPIE]
  146. W. C. Wang, Y. R. Lian, C. T. Ho, C. K. Chao, W. C. Chuang, “A New Novel Means of Transducing Tensile Stresses,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hangzhou, China, August 22-26, 2005, p. 89-91.  [PIERS]
  147. J. Ho, W. C. Wang, “Levitated motor using diamagnetic materials,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hangzhou, China, August 22-26, 2005.
  148. R. Panergo, C. S. Liu, B. Estroff, W. C. Wang, “Polymeric waveguide design of a 2D scanner,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 6-10, 2005, SPIE 5768, p. 450-460.
  149. C. Y. Huang, C. S. Liu, R. Panergo C. S. Huang, W. C. Wang, “Developments of a force image algorithm for micromachined optical bend loss sensor,” SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, March 6-10, 2005, SPIE 5768, p38-43.
  150.  R. Panergo, W. C. Wang, W. Ledoux, B. Sangeorzan, P. Reinhall, “A flexible micromachined optical sensor for simultaneous measurement of pressure and shear force distribution on feet,” University of Washington Biomechanics Symposium, Seattle, WA, May, 2003.
  151. W. C. Wang, R. Panergo, “Design and test of a microfabricated SU-8 optical scanner,” Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems III, San Diego, CA, March 15-17, 2004, SPIE 5394, p. 280-287. [SPIE]
  152. W. C. Wang, R. Panergo, W. Ledoux, B. Sangeorzan, P. Reinhall, “A PDMS based distributive shear/pressure sensor,” International Polymer Fiber Conference, 2003, p.68-71.
  153. W. C. Wang, R. Panergo, K. Touloei, P. Reinhall, “Development of a microfabricated scanning endoscope using SU-8 based optical waveguide,” International Polymer Fiber Conference, 2003, SPIE 5047, p.98-101.
  154. 142. Reynold Panergo, Wei-Chih Wang, William Ledoux, Bruce Sangeorzanb, Per Reinhall (2003, May). A flexible micromachined optical sensor for simultaneous measurement of pressure and shear force distribution on feet. UW Biomechanics Symposium, May, 2003, Seattle, WA..
  155. W. C. Wang, R. Panergo, C. Galvanin, W. Ledoux, B. Sangeorzan, P. Reinhall, “A flexible micromachined optical sensor for simultaneous measurement of pressure and shear distribution on foot,” SPIE Smart Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems II, San Diego, CA, March 15-17, 2003, SPIE 5047, p. 275-285. [SPIE]
  156. W. C. Wang, R. Panergo, P. Reinhall, “Development of a microfabricated scanning endoscope using SU-8 based optical waveguide,” SPIE Smart Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems II, San Diego, CA, March 15-17, 2003, SPIE 5047, p. 305-313.[SPIE]
  157. W. C. Wang, J. Ho, P. Reinhall, “Deep reactive ion etching of silicon using an aluminum etching mask,” The 4th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, Oct 12-14, 2002, p. 31-34.  [IEEE]
  158. Wei-Chih Wang, Joe N. Ho, Per G. Reinhall, “Deep reactive ion etching of silicon using an aluminum etching mask,” in Proc. SPIE 4876, p 633-640, 2002.  [SPIE]
  159.  W. C. Wang, M. Fauver, J. Ho, E. Seibel, P. Reinhall, “Development of an optical waveguide cantilever scanner,” SPIE Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, 2003, SPIE 4876, p.72-83. [SPIE]
  160. W. C. Wang, J. Dee, W. Ledoux, B. Sangeorzan, P. Reinhall, “Development of a directional sensitive pressure and shear sensor,” Proceedings of SPIE, Seattle, WA, July 7-10, 2002, SPIE 4702, p. 212-220. [SPIE]
  161.  X. Zhu, E. Tran, W. C. Wang, E. S. Kim, “Micromachined acoustic-wave liquid ejector,” Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC, June 2-6,1996.
  162.  W. C. Wang, S. Yee, P. Reinhall, “Fluid-viscosity and mass-flow sensor using forward light scattering,” SPIE Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor Workshop, San Diego, CA, April, 1995, SPIE2574, p. 146-151. [SPIE]
  163. W. C. Wang, S. Yee, P. Reinhall, “Optical viscosity sensor using forward light scattering,” Sensor and Actuator Proceedings for the 5th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors Rome, Italy, July 11-14, 1994. [ScienceDirect]

Book Chapter

  1. Editor, Progress in Optomechatronics Technologies , Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Oct 28 -30, 2013, Jeju Island, Korea

  2. Wei-Chih Wang,” Electro-optic endoscope”, book on biosensors and biodetection technologies for cancer detection, diagnostics and research, CRC, pending

  3. Wei-Chih Wang, “ Micro optical scanning System”, Optical Fibre, New Developments ISBN978-953-7619-X-X, IN-TECH Open Access, pending

Miscellaneous Patents submitted and/or awarded

US and International Patents awarded

  1. Wei-Chi Wang, Eric J. Seibel, Per G. Reinhall, Mark E. Fauver, Chris M. Brown/Integrated optical scanning image acquisition and display /US7555333B2/United States 2000~2023

  2. Wei-Chih Wang, Per G. Reinhall/Polymer based electro-optic scanner for image acquisition and display /US7233710B2/United States 2004~2025

  3. Wei-Chih Wang, Per G. Reinhall/Polymer based distributive waveguide sensor for pressure and shear measurement /US7295724B2/United States 2004~2025

  4. Wei-Chih Wang, David J. Nuckley, Per G. Reinhall, David Linders/Clinical force sensing glove /US9345424B2/United States 2008~2033

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  8. Wei-Chih Wang, Benjamin Estroff, Chih-Han Chang, Fong-Chin Su/ Interferometer and spatial interference fourier transform spectrometer/ US8830475B1/ United States 2013~2033

  9. Howard Jay Chizeck, Fredrik Ryden, Andrew Stewart, Wei-Chih Wang, Payman Arabshahi/ Haptically-Enabled Co-Robotics for Underwater Tasks/ US20140320629A1/ United States, 2013~2019

  10. Wei-Chih Wang, Chih-Han Chang, Fong-Chin Su, David Linders/ Palpation diagnostic device/ US20160015271A1/ United States 2014~2019

  11. Wei-Chih Wang/ Liquid pressure measuring apparatus/ tp160337-TW-SPEC-D1/ TAIWAN 2016~2019

  12. Wei-Chih Wang/ Polymer based active catheter system/ US patent in preparation/ United States 2019~2039

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